beauty — Notes on a Wardrobe — PRUE WHITE


Leaving hibernation

I feel like God was smiling down on the lifting of lockdown restrictions in the UK last week: Tuesday was the hottest March day since 1968. After a weekend spent finally socialising with friends in groups of six - how decadent it was - it feels like good times are right around the corner and we may be seeing the back of this torturous limbo, after all. While the high temperatures were short-lived (statistically we are more likely to see snow at Easter than at Christmas, so it shouldn’t be a surprise, but somehow, every year, it is), the sun is out and the optimism is abundant.

For many of us, though, with the easing of lockdown has come some feelings of social anxiety: an unease around mixing again. Yes, we’ve missed people – hugs especially. Have I mentioned how much I miss hugging people? – but the thought of numerous social engagements, and the associated pressure is just too much.

If only we could all agree not to ‘glow up’ (how I detest that expression) in time for pub visits, would we not all be vastly happier? For many of us, the ‘lockdown load’, or ‘quarantine 15[lbs]’ is real. When there is so much we’re going to have to get used to again – much of it new and unchartered territory – do we really need to put the pressure on ourselves and each other to be perfect, too? Is it not enough just to be grateful for having made it through?

I, for one, will be looking to make the most of the people who I’ve missed painfully over the last year, and feel grateful for the fact that I’m fortunate enough to have people to love and miss, at all. I will be consuming (preferably in a restaurant setting, but picnics on freezing cold park benches will do nicely too) food, friends and wine with abandon. Bring it on!


What I’ve been doing…

Making the most of the lido being open

I went for my first swim this year (on Tuesday which was a relief as the water was an icy 9.5 degrees so I needed that sun to warm up afterwards), and have been back on the tennis court this week too. It feels like such a novelty to be exercising outside the confines of the four walls of my living room. Let’s just hope my coordination - rare at the best of times - hasn’t completely deserted me.


What I’m Watching….

Married at First Sight Australia

I have finally caved and binged series 4 of Married at First Sight Australia. Wow. I’m desperate to discuss it with someone – anyone seen it recently and keen for book club? I’m thrown by the positioning of this as an experiment overseen by experts, when I’m sure many of the participants will be leaving the show scathed in the name of entertainment. It’s inarguably addictive television - and I am not above it - but it did leave me feeling a bit dirty for having watched it. I’m not sure how comfortable I am about returning for Series 5 and 6 - the pull is real, though.


What I’m Reading…

Commonwealth, by Ann Patchett

This has come really highly recommended by a few friends. It’s the story of two families torn apart by adultery and brought together again in the form of a third, complicated, extended family. Patchett is perceptive and wry in her observations, telling the story from the point of view of various members of the family over several decades. I’m only a third of the way through, but so far, I’m really enjoying it.

What I’m buying…

Dress, £49.99, Mango,

I’m sure I’m not alone in saying that my mind has turned to dresses in time for Spring. I’ve been scouring the shops for ages to find just the right thing. My Lust List week this week focusses on dresses, so do swing by there on your way out for my edit of the best of the dresses on the High-ish Street for Spring, with prices starting at just £19.99.

As usual, below I’ve linked to all the blogs I’ve uploaded through March, including Your Ultimate Guide to Denim in 2021 and my Best Beauty Buys under £15, so do check them out if you’ve missed them.

And if you have any recommendations to share - sartorial, cultural or otherwise - do drop me a line in the comment section below.

Prue x

ADMIN: Everything I’ve included here, I’ve included solely because I really rate it. I may though, if you buy some of the items mentioned, earn a small commission from that purchase.