It was such an effective conversation. I was worried that 40 mins or so wouldn't be enough but the prep you had put in and the take-away document was excellent - a really good use of time. The whole thing was spot on. It was not only really enlightening to understand what suits me, but the best thing was understanding the why. You brought to life some fantastic ideas and some really practical ways I can use things I already own.... although the charity shops will also do well out of this. The sessions with you have been a useful filter for buying new items. And I hadn't expected to explore the emotions of when and why I shop and my bad habits. In addition, our conversation around the role and pressure of women in the workplace was so helpful....... I hadn't expected the clothes conversation to go so deep, but I am glad it did.
The best part of the consultation was the very easy to remember tips about what works in general for my body shape and clearing up the junk! Getting clarity on what to keep and what to get rid of. I love the mental unload that it gave me. I don't have to worry about keeping some items "for one day". I now know for sure which ones will fit me.
I really like that you spend time researching items on the web that would suit my body and illustrate your recommendations. Kudos also for not pushing very expensive items.
It was very moving for me that you had taken the time to do this for me. Explaining things to me helps me to understand and see why. It all made sense. The time went really quickly, and I loved it every bit of our time together.
At 39 I thought I knew my body! But Prue identified aspects of my body shape that I hadn't even been aware of - it was fascinating and made sense now why some clothes just wouldn't look right on me. Prue made it so clear by identifying all the different parts of my body and what would / wouldn't suit me. It has meant that I better understand my body shape and as soon as my consultation was over, I couldn't wait to start trying on ALL my clothes in my wardrobe with her advice in mind. Thank you, Prue!!!!
Such a wonderful, completely personalised service that ANYONE can benefit from. I was blown away by how much I learnt about my body in 40 minutes and what I should be focussing on when wearing clothes. Having been feeling thoroughly fed up with my entire wardrobe I am now excited to be wearing clothes not worn in ages again but in a slightly different way! Prue was so easy to talk to - letting me reel off all my body hang ups and helping me to better understand what to wear to feel less self-conscious about them. Prue is a miracle worker.
It really was perfect. After we hung up, I realised I was exhausted! Funny how clothes can be such an emotional issue. As well as the sessions, I felt that Prue’s fast email follow ups and shopping recommendations were fantastic. It really made me feel special and valued. Thank you.
The most useful aspect was the level of specificity in the presentation you put together for me. Rather than just general advice, it will equip me with enough detail to scrutinise purchases that I make. The links at the end are brilliant and are exactly what I need.
You have a warmth and accessibility that made me feel hugely at ease. I'd really like to work with you again and will be buying sessions for friends, because investing in ourselves as women is sometimes hard to justify, but when someone does it for us it feels fabulous.