It's May already: how did that happen? — PRUE WHITE

It's May already: how did that happen?

Lockdown life has felt interminable at times; deprived of social interaction the endless monotony has felt like torture. Which doesn’t even mention the masks. But yet, somehow, we’re 14 months into this fiasco. May is upon us and the famed (phantom?) June 21st is just around the corner. There is much to look forward to, but I’m trying to make the most of right now too. We’ve all spent too long dreaming of a life ‘post-Covid’ (something that has felt at times as elusive as winning the lottery), and it’s important we don’t lose sight of the living now.

One of the things that I’ve been grateful for, especially in these last few months, is the opportunity to curate my own routine. So much of our modern lives are spent rushing hither and thither with little time taken to simply sit still. Indeed, in a twisted take on success, we often celebrate our ‘busy-ness’: if one isn’t on the brink of exhaustion, are they really thriving? Lockdown has given me the opportunity to do those things that I’ve been saying I’ll do for years, including, finally, taking daily supplements.

I will caveat this by saying that I am neither a doctor nor a nutritionist, so speak to an expert if you have specific concerns or issues you want resolved. But, personally, my go-to’s are:

One for everything

Solgar Vitamins Omega 3-6-9, £21.25,

Omega-3s are a multi-purpose supplement that boost skin health (especially good for dry skin), fight anxiety and depression, inflammation and period pain. So, you know, generally excellent. A good quality Omega-3 supplement should list DHA and EPA in it’s ingredients.

One for the Gut

Optibac Probiotics, £11.29,

I love a probiotic for keeping my gut in order. I’ve tried a few over the years (including the rancid tasting liquid ones) but I’m currently loving the Optibac Probiotic with Vitamin C. The capsules are easy to take, while the Vitamin C is good for immunity - quite frankly, not a bad idea right now.

One for the Skin

Oskia’s MSM Bio-Plus, £64,

Oskia’s MSM Bio-Plus focusses on skin health, including reducing inflammation and supporting collagen to delay the onset of wrinkles. Obviously, nothing can really keep age at bay forever, but it’s also been good for my acne and redness.

What I’m doing: Writing thank you notes.

Anyone who knows me knows how completely horrifically awful I am at sending birthday cards. They’re such a joy to receive, but, for some reason I can’t seem to make them happen. I do like to think I’m pretty good at thank you cards though, in part because it indulges my stationery obsession, which started young and continues to this day. I am easily persuaded that a chic notepad and some cheerily coloured felt-tip pens (Muji’s are my favourite) will make me work more efficiently and productively, not to mention more stylishly. So, this week, after a 72 hour fiesta in which I was spoilt rotten I shall be furiously penning love notes to the people who made me feel so special. Here are some of my favourites:

What I’m Cooking: Asparagus

My mother always taught me that the only polite way to eat asparagus was with your fingers. This notion was firmly tested at a very proper black tie event I attended many aeons ago, where good manners were imperative and my asparagus consumption firmly disparaged. My mother is, if Debrett’s is to be believed, correct, but at the time it did me no favours. Nevertheless, it’s still one of my favourite vegetables. Inspired by @feedtheswimmers, I like mine quickly blanched and then covered in flaked almonds that have been cooked in just browned butter. Top it with flaked sea salt, all the herbs you have to hand and a squeeze of lemon juice. Delicious.


And everything I’m lusting after right now is on my Lust List. If only the sun would come back out to play! Soon soon soon.

Love Prue